Advertising on Connected TV (CTV) has become an increasingly important tool for advertisers looking to reach specific audiences effectively. CTV ads are streamed through streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and other similar services.

Here are some reasons to add a CTV campaign to your marketing strategy:

  • Given that the vast majority of potential customers own and interact with CTV devices on multiple platforms and devices, a CTV strategy must be present.
  • Provides better audience targeting and segmentation/advertising creativity. Knowing who saw your ad can help create highly personalized and effective marketing campaigns that are worthwhile.
  • Provides the ability to create highly impactful localized ads for efficient engagement.
  • Has a lower barrier to entry than linear TV.
  • Allows access to more comprehensive, detailed, and accurate reports than linear TV.
  • CTV ads have high completion rates and visibility.
  • CTV ads are considered premium in terms of quality and viewer experience.

What types of ads are there on CTV?

Anuncios de video in-stream

The most common category is in-stream video ads, which are available on all platforms and are integrated into the streaming content as it is being viewed.

Video ads typically last between 15 and 30 seconds and can be pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll, each with its pros and cons.

Pre-roll Ads: This type of ad plays before the content the user wants to watch. Pre-roll ads typically last between 15 and 30 seconds and can be skippable or non-skippable. Advertisers can use this option to reach a broad audience interested in the content they are about to view.

Mid-roll Ads: Mid-roll ads play in the middle of the content the user is watching. This type of ad can be more effective than pre-roll ads because the user is interested in the content they are viewing and is more likely to watch the entire ad. Mid-roll ads also last between 15 and 30 seconds and can be skippable or non-skippable.

Post-roll Ads: Post-roll ads play after the content the user has viewed. This type of ad is less common, as users tend to leave the platform after viewing their content. Post-roll ads can be effective when used in combination with other types of CTV ads.

Interstitial Ads: Interstitial ads play during a pause in the content the user is viewing. This type of ad typically lasts for 10 seconds and can be effective for advertisers wanting to reach specific audiences.

Overlay Ads: Overlay ads appear at the bottom of the screen during the content the user is viewing. This type of ad can be less intrusive than pre-roll or mid-roll ads but may also be less effective.

Display Ads: Display ads are graphic ads that appear on the user's screen while they are viewing content. This type of ad can be effective for advertisers wanting to promote a specific offer or product.


Generally, it cannot be skipped and cannot be removed by the viewer. They are generally well received by viewers as they are already familiar with the format.


Maximum duration is limited to 60 seconds (longer versions exist but are not recommended). Can appear alongside other ads (similar to commercials).

Interactive Video Ads

Interactive video ads, combining native and dynamic advertising, can take many different forms, such as a canvas with a QR code.


Encourages users to take action using their remote or mobile device. Could provide additional interaction data (such as ad clicks and clicks on the call to action within the ad).


Not available on all platforms. May require more development in creativity. Generally, it costs more.

Although not as common as in-stream video ads, interactive video ads are still available on programmatic platforms like Rakuten and Innovid, direct platforms like Warner Media, Roku, and Amazon, as well as offerings from platforms like Amazon Fire TV Stick (more on platform types below).

Graphic Ads

Generally displayed as an overlay while the chosen content is being streamed or on the CTV platform's home screen. Since graphic ads are usually smaller and occupy less space on the screen.


Unlike in-stream video ads, there is no time limit. They reach a broader audience when displayed directly on the platform because all users see them, unlike viewers who only stream specific content.


The limited space that often does not occupy the entire screen requires short messages with only one CTA. Since the ad is static, it only partially provides an immersive experience.

Generally, it is only available on a few selected platforms that have an inventory of graphic ads, which can result in a higher price. It is also not available on all platforms, which could increase the cost.

In summary, ads on Connected TV can be an effective tool for advertisers looking to reach specific audiences, depending on the advertiser's goals and target audience.

connected tv
Post by Kivi
Oct 17, 2023 12:13:06 PM
