You have already convinced yourself to leverage CTV campaigns as a new and essential channel to explore. Now it's time to create an effective advertising strategy. What points should you consider before starting? What to do once the campaign is launched?

We bring you the step-by-step guide to create a successful CTV campaign.

Step 1: Define the campaign objectives

Before starting any CTV advertising campaign, it's essential to establish clear objectives. Do you want to increase your brand awareness, generate conversions, or promote a product? Defining objectives will help you focus your efforts and measure the campaign's success.

Consider the budget you have to execute your campaign. If you're doing it for the first time, higher costs are expected, but as you optimize the campaign, costs will decrease.


Step 2: Know your target audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for an effective CTV campaign. Research their demographics, viewing behaviors, and preferences. This will allow you to create customized ads that fit their interests and maximize the impact of your message. You need to be present where your audience is, as the vast majority of your potential customers have CTV devices and engage with them through various platforms and devices.

Segmentation options include geolocation, contextual targeting, demographic data, or platform characteristics on which the ad will be displayed.

Step 3: Select the platforms to display your ads

The next step is to choose the CTV platforms and partners that fit your needs. Make sure to work with reliable partners that offer broad coverage and a relevant audience for your campaign.

Determine the optimal frequency of your ads to avoid viewer saturation. Don't overdo it! Too many ads can be annoying, but too few may not generate enough impact.

Find a balance: reinforce your campaign message without exhausting the target audience.


Step 4: Create compelling ads for the target audience

Creating compelling advertising creatives is a crucial step. Therefore, it's better to be brief and clear.

Keep in mind that ads on CTV must capture the viewer's attention within seconds. We recommend you convey the important message at the beginning of the ad—it's key. Additionally, use images that stand out and convey your value proposition concisely.

Context is a plus if used correctly. Contextual advertising (well-selected time and geographic location) can ensure that your ad complements and even enhances the user experience as long as it's not intrusive.

  • Make sure to tailor the content to the CTV format, leveraging the visual and sound capabilities of this platform.

"30-second ads are optimal for driving conversions and yield a 24% better conversion performance compared to the overall average CVR." MNTN.

Step 5: Measure and analyze campaign performance

How do you know if your campaign is successful? Measurement and analysis are essential to evaluate the success of your CTV campaign. Use metrics such as view rate, reach, interaction, and conversions to measure performance.

Metrics available in reports:

  • Impressions
  • Completion rate
  • Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
  • Frequency
  • Conversions
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

Adjust your strategy based on the results once performance data is available and make continuous improvements to maximize return on investment. Make the necessary modifications to your campaign after it's published.

Keep Learning and Evolving

The landscape of CTV advertising is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the field. Keep learning, try new strategies, and adapt as the industry progresses to keep your CTV campaign effective and competitive.

Post by Kivi
Oct 16, 2023 10:07:11 AM
