In the competitive world of online betting, entertainment platforms and digital gambling, standing out and capturing the user's attention is fundamental. Strendus, a leader in the Mexican gambling market, confronted the challenge of measuring the effectiveness of its campaigns, specifically with Kivi's Track Tv platform.

What is Track TV and how does it work?

Track Tv is an advanced Connected TV (CTV) tool designed to optimize advertising campaigns through streaming. In contrast to traditional TV, Track Tv provides precise audience targeting and detailed measurement of user interaction. In this way, campaigns obtain greater reach, increased awareness and more effective user acquisition.   

We worked for Strendus, Logrand's online casino, which was developed with the objective of measuring the acquisition of unique and recurring users on the registration page.

The strategy: Track TV and its impressive results

During the months of March and April, Strendus implemented our Track Tv tool to run their campaign and measure key events on their platform. 

The results were impressive. In March, the campaign generated 37,797 registered events, with an event rate of 8.84%. With this encouraging data, Strendus decided to continue and expand the campaign into April, where it saw exponential growth. April reached 1,251,596 registered events, with an event rate of 34.2%. 

Strendus not only implemented Track Tv on its platform for the first time, but also managed to significantly increase its key metrics while delivering on budget.

Benefits of Track TV and CTV

Our Track TV tool offers a range of significant advantages for brands looking to maximize the impact of their advertising campaigns. 

Accurate measurement: audience targeting and multiplatform engagement in real time.
Innovative formats: interactive and high-impact ads optimized to capture attention.

A success story for Strendus and Kivi

The “Strendus Track Tv” campaign represented a benchmark in the company's digital marketing strategy.

The results would not have been possible without the effort and collaboration of key people in KIVI, a team lead by Lorena Iriarte as Sales Director. Her vision was fundamental in transforming the campaign's objectives into a successful reality. 


Post by Kivi
Sep 4, 2024 12:00:00 PM
