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Media Consumption in LATAM

Written by Kivi | Oct 17, 2023 3:09:34 PM

IMS, Internet Media Services, presented its report on media consumption in various countries, with a special focus on LATAM. The 2022 report compiles high-quality data from 13 countries, 11 of them from LATAM in addition to Spain.

In this edition, the research indicates more stability in media consumption compared to previous years. Digitization and the return to routines in the post-pandemic period mark changes in media consumption.

Digital Penetration by Countries

In Latin America, the average digital penetration is 75%, according to the data provided by the report's samples.

The list of internet penetration in LATAM highlights Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay with rates of 86%, Argentina with 80%, and Brazil with 75%. Among the surveyed countries, Peru ranks last with a 60% internet access rate.

Media that Grew and Remained

In addition to Online Videos and Social Networks, OTT (on-demand content platforms) maintained their audience in 2022, even after the end of the quarantine.

Media Consumption Habits in 2022

Regarding media consumption habits in 2022, there is an increase in digital media, with a clear preference for Social Networks and Online Videos.

  • Social Networks and Online Videos had an almost 100% reach among people with internet connections in 2022.

  • Traditional TV, Newspapers, Magazines, and Radio: they peaked in 2020 but did not maintain consumption levels in the following months.

  • Outdoor Advertising saw an increase in 2022, reaching almost 50% of the population.

  • More than 60% of the total respondents consume OTT, and between the ages of 25 and 59, this exceeds 75%.


At the top are Social Networks (99%), Online Videos (95%), and OTT/CTV (72%). The novelty lies in traditional media such as Broadcast TV and cable, relegating digital audio streaming consumption to sixth place and gaming to eighth place.

Diversifying and leveraging the role of each platform, adapting the message to the format, is crucial. Variables such as time spent and identifying the time of day play a crucial role in this process.

Intensity of Use: How much time is dedicated to the media?

The media with the highest exposure time are CTV/OTT, Traditional TV, and Online Videos.

  • 5 out of 10 people watch more than 3 hours of Cable TV daily.
  • 4 out of 10 respondents watch more than 3 hours of Online Video or Broadcast TV daily.

Connecting with the audience at the right time

When should I connect with the audience? For those looking to expand their business, the key to success lies in being chosen, becoming preferred, and generating affinity with their audience.

Let's see when consumption adapts to the clock.

  • From 3 p.m. to around 10 p.m. is the time slot with the most connections.
  • Social media consumption remains above 60% for almost the entire day, except in the early morning (12 to 6 a.m.).
  • During the morning, the consumption of informative media is similar to that of Online Videos and is only surpassed by Social Networks, which have become one of the main sources of information.

TikTok shows constant growth from the morning, reaching its peak at night and decreasing towards midnight. On the other hand, YouTube follows a similar trend to TikTok, with a leaning towards the afternoon and evening as moments of greater predominance.

The first step to qualitatively analyzing the platforms, their language, user interaction, and motivation to consume them is to understand the underlying affinities.

A hybrid model between SVOD and AVOD, a new trend?

Surveyed individuals argue that they share OTT subscriptions to access more content.

  • 3 out of 10 people prefer to watch content with advertising.
  • 32% of respondents feel overwhelmed by the number of platforms.

  • Almost in equal proportion, Gen Z and Gen Y share subscriptions with others to have more platforms available.

OTTs function as large libraries that are constantly updated with content. That's why it's essential to design market penetration strategies according to the audience and combine different digital channels to reach the target audience.

The case of HBOMax, which is the platform with the highest year-on-year growth (+150%), followed by Pluto TV (+91%), and TV Channel Apps (+80%).

These numbers support Julián Saconi, Managing Director of Kivi, who states, "The new streaming platforms and formats are the gateway to innovation and the development of strategies for brands to connect with an increasingly demanding audience. That's why CTV is now a space where all advertisers want to belong."

Generations aligned with each communication strategy

We know that Online Media surpasses Offline in consumption and, therefore, in reaching audiences. This is independent of the generations analyzed or the formats of the contents in question.

Some media are transversal for all generations. However, in the digital ecosystem, each platform has its own language, technical broadcast conditions, and objectives.

Digital media breaks age-range barriers

The research results demonstrate that digitization is not only a matter of age; boomers consume Online Videos and Social Networks almost as much as the youngest audience. The distance between digital natives and those who are not seems to be slowly fading.

There are clear differences in some platforms. An example is the content consumed on Twitter and YouTube, which may vary according to the groups. It is evident that the timeline of Gen Z and that of a Baby Boomer will have few coincidences. However, interest in the platform is similar regardless of the user's age.

The case of Tik Tok is interesting. Media Essentials calls it a "Love Brand" because it is becoming a preferred brand at the top of the minds of its users.

In the 5 attributes shown in the report associated with the brand (Interesting, Creative, Fun, Entertaining and Trend-setting), TikTok tops each one according to Gen Z.

For Boomers, it's Facebook and YouTube that get most of the first spontaneous responses.

While there are disparities in what is chosen, the medium is consumed. Incorporating the affinity variable is key when segmenting and defining audiences.