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Frequently Asked Questions about Connected TV

Written by Kivi | Oct 16, 2023 3:03:52 PM

Connected TV, or CTV, has revolutionized the way we consume audiovisual content. With the growing popularity of streaming platforms and smart devices, it's natural for questions to arise about this new way of watching television.

In this blog post, we'll answer 10 frequently asked questions about Connected TV.

What is CTV, and why is it important in digital marketing?

Connected TV refers to watching TV content over the internet on devices like Smart TVs and streaming devices connected to the internet.

In digital marketing, CTV has become crucial due to the increasing number of consumers choosing to view content through streaming platforms instead of traditional TV. It allows marketers to effectively reach highly segmented audiences and personalize their advertising messages for greater impact.


Is Connected TV the same as Smart TV?

Connected TV and Smart TV are related but not exactly the same. A Smart TV has advanced features that allow it to connect to the internet and access online applications and services. On the other hand, Connected TV is a broader concept encompassing any TV that can connect to the internet, whether through a Smart TV or by connecting an external device like a streaming media player or gaming console.

Is Connected TV the same as streaming?

Streaming refers to the method of transmitting content over the internet, whether on a connected TV or other devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets. Connected TV is the platform that enables access to streaming. Although Connected TV and streaming are closely related, they are not exactly the same.


How does CTV advertising work?

CTV advertising allows the application of digital marketing strategies that leverage the capabilities of connected television to reach specific audiences through online ads delivered in a high-impact TV format. Like other forms of digital advertising, CTV ads are bought and sold through an auction process. This auction occurs through programmatic media buying, enabling automated acquisition of ads using one of three modalities: Real-Time Bidding (RTB) / Open Auction, Private Marketplace (PMP), or Programmatic Direct. RTB occurs in both open auctions and PMP, with the key difference being the number of bidders and demand sources. In open auctions, there are many bidders and many demand sources, while in PMPs, there are few bidders and a single demand source (the publisher).

Programmatic media buying involves using automated technology and algorithms to facilitate the real-time acquisition of advertising spaces that best fit each advertiser's needs. In the case of open auctions, or RTB, advertisers bid in real-time for ad impressions, competing with each other to secure the best position and reach their target audience.

In the case of Private Marketplace (PMP), it offers a more selective environment where advertisers negotiate directly with specific media publishers, granting them access to premium inventory and more exclusive audiences. Programmatic Direct is a method involving direct agreements between advertisers and publishers, giving them greater control over ad placement and context.


Where are CTV ads displayed?

CTV ads can be displayed in a variety of places, including premium TV show content, news video apps, or internet streaming broadcasts. CTV ads are shown during the streaming of content on streaming platforms through Connected TVs.

The ads can appear before, during, or after the content, similar to traditional TV ads. The advantage of Connected TV is that it allows for greater segmentation and customization of ads, which can enhance relevance and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

What are the metrics for CTV?

CTV metrics can include traditional TV metrics like impressions and reach, as well as more precise digital metrics like full views, interactions, clicks, and conversions. Like other forms of digital advertising, CTV metrics provide valuable insights into campaign performance, allowing advertisers to measure the impact of their ads, optimize their strategies, and make informed decisions to improve results.

Some examples of metrics are: Viewability, Ad Completion Rate, Incremental Reach, Behavioral Data, among others.


How does CTV advertising differ from other channels?

CTV advertising differs from other channels due to its programmatic nature. Unlike traditional TV advertising, which is based on fixed time slots, CTV advertising uses programmatic technology to display ads more precisely and targetedly. This allows marketers to reach specific audiences based on their location, demographics, and interests, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of ads.


What is the advantage of CTV advertising in terms of measurement and attribution?

One of the key advantages of CTV advertising is its ability to measure and attribute results more accurately than traditional TV advertising. By using advanced data and technologies, marketers can track and measure their ad performance in real-time. This provides valuable insights into viewer visibility, interaction, and conversion, facilitating campaign optimization and data-driven decision-making.


What role does segmentation play in CTV advertising?

With the ability to reach highly segmented audiences, marketers can personalize their messages and ads to suit specific interests and needs of viewers.

Allowing precise segmentation, efficient programmatic buying, and various ad formats, CTV advertising offers advertisers an effective way to reach consumers in the digital environment of connected television. This means they can show specific ads to specific audiences based on demographics, geography, viewing behaviors, and other relevant data.


What are the keywords to better understand the Connected TV world?

Here's a blog post with a comprehensive glossary covering everything you need to know about CTV.

Remember, if you want to learn more about CTV, you can contact a group of specialists at Kivi.

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